How to Connect to VPN on mac Automatically

We’ve created a script that downloads Tunnelblick and fetches all our servers for you. 1. To begin, press the download button 2. Open the downloaded folder, right click on “RunMe Installer“, select “Open With > Terminal“ 3. Type your administrative password (the one used to log in when the […]

DD-WRT Router VPN Setup tutorial

Access your router by opening After login in with your router user and password, go to: 1. Administration Commands and add this script. Make sure to replace the dummy text with your actual vpn user and password. #!/bin/sh touch /tmp/auth.conf echo “MY_VPNBARON_USER” > /tmp/auth.conf echo “MY_VPNBARON_PASSWORD” >> /tmp/auth.conf 2. Save […]

Windows Client Settings

The VPNBaron client has some pretty awesome features, designed with the user in mind.  We’ll explain all of them in this post. Connection Settings: OpenVPN allows for both UDP (User Diagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).  Each one has its pros and cons. TCP  – Every network packet, sent or […]